Intercultural Contemporary Dance workshop

Sibiri Bebe on Zodiakin ja Caisan monikulttuurisessa nykytanssitapahtumassa 12.-13.3! Viikonlopun aikana järjestettävissä työpajoissa eri kulttuuritaustoista tulevien ammattitaiteilijoiden on mahdollisuus tutustua toistensa työtapoihin ja verkostoitua. Viikonloppu tarjoaa mahdollisuuden ammatilliselle kehittymiselle, uusien vaikutteiden saamiselle sekä uusien kontaktien luomiselle.

Sibiryn tuntinon Sunnuntaina 13.3 klo 10-12!

Sibiri Bebe is at the Zodiak and Caisa multicultural contemporary dance event 12-13.3! The weekend workshops gathers professional artists from different cultural backgrounds to learn from each other and to network! The weekend offers professional development, new influences as well as opportunities to make new contacts!

Sibiry’s class is Sunday 13.3. at 10-12


Klo 10-12 Sibiri ”Bebe” Konate: Contemporary Africa

This workshop offers a wider perspective on contemporary African dance. Contemporary dance in Africa, today, utilises traditional dance as something to learn from and develop into a more contemporary form in all its complexity and richness. The workshop will start with getting to know each other and warm-up. Participants will get to know some West African movements and styles. After this, smaller group work will enable participants to add their own style and touch to the choreography. African dance uses different and multiple tempos and moves close to the floor and this will open the dancer’s opportunities to use his/her own movements and get inspired by something different! NB. This workshop will be held in Finnish.

Zodiak pages